Jerry T. Bunn Trucking, LLC is currently accepting applications for Dump Truck Driver positions. The company requires 2 years CDL experience and a good driving record. The company encourages minority and female drivers to apply. If you are interested, please come by the office and fill out an application.

Bunn Hauling, Inc. is currently accepting applications for Dump Truck Driver positions. The company requires 2 years CDL experience and a good driving record. The company encourages minority and female drivers to apply. If you are interested, please come by the office and fill out an application.

Jerry T. Bunn Trucking, LLC. & Bunn Hauling, Inc. would like to thank you for your interest in employment.

Employment Policies

If you are a new employee, we hope your new job will live up to your expectations.  We strive to maintain and update our dump truck inventory to help make your job more enjoyable.

If you are an existing employee, we want to express our sincere appreciation for your continuous work that has helped Jerry T. Bunn Trucking, LLC be operational.

All policies and practices that are necessary to allow each of us to be safe, productive, and prosperous will be gone over during your new hire orientation.

Employment Relationship

Your employment with the Company is entered into voluntarily.  You are free resign at any time with one week notice, for any reason.  The company is free to conclude the employment relationship at any time, with or without notice, and with or without cause.

Changes in Policy

The Company expressly reserves the right to change any of its policies at any time.

Hours of Work/Time Records

The Company does not have set hours every week.  The employees' number of hours worked per week is based upon available work.  Please note that the company has GPS monitoring devices in each truck.  The GPS monitors are used to calculate the employees hours worked each day.  Please note that a 15 minute lunch is automatically taken from each day of work.